
A meal or food you really like

  Among many meals that I enjoy, the one I like the most is noodles with scrambled eggs. It isn't a very complicated meal to make, in fact it's very simple, since it consists of only two things and takes a few minutes to cook. Basically, on one hand, some water is boiled in a pot, a little salt and oil are added to it, and then the noodles are included, leaving them to cook for a few minutes. On the other hand, in pan with oil, place the eggs and stir until until the mixtura has cooked.  Apart from the combination of flavours that this meal has, I like it because my grandmother used to cook it for me since I was little, so I suppose that in addition to liking it for it's taste, it has sentimental value. The only problem with this meal is that it is not highly recommended to eat frequently, because although the egg contains proteins, the noodles are mass, so they tend to raise cholesterol if they are consumed very often, but occasionally eating this meal doesn't does any

My carrer

When I was child I wanted to be many things, one day I wanted to be a docter, the other an actress, etc. I never saw myself working on just one thing, because the majority professions caught my attention. As the years passed my interest in various professions didn´t change, everything made me curious, so my options varied mainly between areas like natural sciences and social problems. Before taking the PDT I had reduced my options a bit, so I was between studying astronomy, laws or social work, but one day watching careers I came across anthropology, doing a little research, I realized that it covered many things, so I had different areas where I could develop and that's how I decided to study anthropology. I can't say much about my university experience, I never expected it to be virtual, but I like the career and every day I learn something different from it. In the future I would like to work as a social anthropologist or as an archaeologist, but I am not sure yet.

My autobiography

I am Antonia Martínez and I was born in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school, I studied at Colegio Manquecura in Puente Alto, then I was in two different schools, until I got to the Colegio Nazaret de La Florida where I complete my high school in 2020.  Currently  I am a first year anthropology student at the Universidad de Chile and I work part-time in Melt Pizzas. My hobbies are to go out anywhere and read. I also like to swim, but lately I haven´t had a chance to go anywhere where I can swim.  Since I was little I lived with my mother and my grandmother in La Florida. Now I live with my mother, her partner and my dog ​​in Puente Alto, but my grandmother also moved to the commune, so always I go to see her.