My autobiography

I am Antonia Martínez and I was born in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school, I studied at Colegio Manquecura in Puente Alto, then I was in two different schools, until I got to the Colegio Nazaret de La Florida where I complete my high school in 2020. 

Currently I am a first year anthropology student at the Universidad de Chile and I work part-time in Melt Pizzas. My hobbies are to go out anywhere and read. I also like to swim, but lately I haven´t had a chance to go anywhere where I can swim. 

Since I was little I lived with my mother and my grandmother in La Florida. Now I live with my mother, her partner and my dog ​​in Puente Alto, but my grandmother also moved to the commune, so always I go to see her. 


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